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Me and God

Okay, one more post for the day:

I've been in a really high time in life for the past few months, but spiritually, I've felt like I've been in a valley. I've got this great girlfriend, and I'm so happy with her, and I think I've relied less on God because my life is so good.

So, that being said, I think that what Jared (SP?) has been talking about in church the past couple of months is right on for me. Though I haven't opened my heart to it yet, I think it's time that I do.

There is a fundamental problem in my life, and it manifests itself through arrogence (SP?) and a self assurence that separates me from God. I need to listen to God more, and be in communion with Him at all times. I need to stay aware of the fact that He is always within me. I want to praise Him always. I want to honor Him. Not because I feel like I need to earn His love, but because I love Him, and I'm so grateful to Him for saving me, and I'm ashamed to say that I haven't acted out my love for Him.

In fact, an interaction with my son yesterday, now helps me to put it into perspective. He had misbehaved and I asked him after much conversation if he loved me and his sisters. Of course his reply was yes, and I said, "Then you should SHOW us that love." That's a clear analogy for me. I need to SHOW God my love. Not just say that I love him.

So now the question is... what does this all look like? I'm not sure, but I have faith that He will show me in His time.
