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Should I write a book?

Okay, so I found out that my mom's late uncle, Gord Spykman ( Sorry if I spelled that wrong Uncle Gord. Mom, don't disown me please), wrote a couple of books. Pretty cool stuff. I thought he was just a teacher, but I never knew where, or of what. It turns out that he was a prof at Calvin Seminary. The book that I'm reading right now is a book that he wrote about AC VanRaalte, and it was called Pioneer Pastor (I think). Pretty amazing stuff. I never realized what VanRaalte was all about, but it turns out that he left the Netherlands because the church was persecuted there. Maybe that's not news to anyone else, but I had no idea. He was jailed for being a pastor, and yet, he didn't give it up. He lead a group of settlers here, and founded Holland, and was at the center of the CRC movement.

Now... I'm not really a fan of what the RCA and CRC have become in this day and age, but they were founded upon passion enough that a man would endure persecution for the cause of Christ. Amazing.

Anyway, my great uncle wrote this book. Which begs the question.... Should I write one too? I know I have no training, and I've never written anything for anyone other than my freshman English teacher. But I'm pretty positive that I could be an incredible author. :) Just kidding. But the idea seems interesting anyway. And I've already decided on a subject. I'm going to write the biography of the great thinker and pretty boy... Dave Roberts. It's going to be RAD!!

After that sells a couple million copies, I'm going to write a book about my first love.... Cage fighting.


I think it would be a best selling kid's book because it would be so short. Not because you can't write, but because of the subject matter.

Matt, i went to school and church with some Spykmans in Grand Rapids growing up. Does he have a daughter named Eve? We went to Plymouth Heights CRC

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