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My new Bears blanket!!!

So, I made some cupcakes for Susie, but she made me something so much better. She made me a Bears blanket!! It's so warm and soft and cozy that she won't give it to me. :) She slept with it the past two nights, and she says she's going to let me take it home tonight, but we'll see. She'll probably "forget" to bring it downstairs again. :) I also got a nice framed picture of us that is now sitting on my desk. What a beautiful girlfriend I have!! Now I can turn my head and see her any time of the day.

Isn't she sweet?!?!?!


Hi sweetpea! okay okay I"ll give it back! Just give me two more weeks with it and then it's yours! Have a blessed day!

We want a new post!

Knock, Knock...is anyone in there? Sure draw us in with your cunning wit and knowledge and then leave us hanging. Time to crawl out from under that blanket, put on your awsome shoes and post already. Your throngs await.

I remember Matt getting on my case for not posting in a long time. Looks like someone has followed my example. Matt - all you need to do is put a post that says you are back to blogging. That post will give you another week to figure out what you are going to say.

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