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Get off my back Kim :)

Okay, so it's been a while, but I'm back now. I've been going over some ideas, and I think I might have a few interesting topics.

1) I've got to get back on the wagon. I've gained about 15 pounds over the past year or so, and that is NOT COOL! I lost 40 pounds the year before that, and I'm not going back. A couple of weeks ago, Amanda HW was listening to me drone on about my doctor's philosophies on health and fitness, and she said I should write it all down for her. So I decided I'll put some of the finer points here on my blog. Stay tuned. I'll try to put a point per week at least. And you can all hold me accountable when you see me. I'll warn you now though, that when I'm at my running weight, I look pretty much skeletal, but don't worry. I am in fact, in good health. :)

2) I can talk about the kiddos. They're alwasy good for a laugh.

So there you have it. A commitment. A new hope. Not as big of a new hope as, say, Luke Skywalker or anything, but it will give you something to look for anyway.



1 comment

yes sir....., but nice to hear from you

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