SHOES!!!!!! I like shoes.
So, I've bought three pair of shoes in the past month to replace my current brown ones. The first pair, I didn't like after a day or so.... Luckily, they turned out to have a manufacturer's defect, so I could take them back and get a refund. The second pair of shoes, I bought, brought home, and the next day decided I didn't like them. But I hadn't worn them outside yet, so I returned those too. Now, I bought a third pair this week... and I thought they were the ones... my soul shoes, if you will. I was so confident about it that I wore them immediately after I bought them. I thought that would keep me from returning them because they won't take them back after they've been worn outside. But alas... another manufacturer's defect.... Which is okay, because I really don't think I like them anyway. Actually, I like the shoes, but I think I want a different color. So back to the store I go.
I think I've got a problem. I need shoe therapy.
I think I've got a problem. I need shoe therapy.
Dude, you're a metro. But, hey people have said I am too.
Posted by
Dave Roberts |
Dec 8, 2006, 10:32:00 AM
i think that you should just buy a whole bunch of different shoes and not have to worry about having one obnoxious pair to try and wear with rainbow brights
--Sara......your fashion consultant
Posted by
sowen3977 |
Dec 13, 2006, 10:25:00 PM